“The Abominable Sin: The Spanish Campaign against ‘Sodomy’ and its Results in Modern Latin America.” In The Columbia Reader on Lesbians and Gay Men in Media, Society and Politics. Larry Gross and James Woods, eds. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Reprinted from The Spirit and the Flesh . [Indigenous American, Latin America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
“Adoption: A Major Issue for the Future." The Bottom Line v. 19 n.16 (April, 2000). Palm Springs CA: Bottom Line Press. [Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Again in Chains: Black Soldiers Suffering in Captivity." Civil War Times v.20 (May 1981): 36-43. [Civil War, African American]
Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions.Book review in American Indian Culture and Research Journal 1987. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, spirituality]
"Amazons of America: Female Gender Variance." In Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Caroline Brettell and Carolyn Sargent, eds. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992. Reprinted from The Spirit and the Flesh. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"Amazons--Native American," "American Indians," "Berdache." Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. Wayne Dynes, ed. New York: Garland Press, 1990. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"American Imperialism and the Indians." In Indians in American History. Frederick Hoxie, ed. Arlington Heights, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, 1988. [Indigenous American, Legal status, Imperialism, Asia, Philippines.]
"American Indian Legal Status."American Indian Culture and Research Journal v.5 n.2 (1981): 83-92. [North America, Indigenous American, Legal, Political]
“American Indian Sexuality.” In Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality. R. T. Francoeur and R. J. Noonan, eds. New York/London: Continuum International Publishing, 2003. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
"Being Gay and Doing Fieldwork." In Out in the Field: Reflections of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists. Ellen Lewin and William Leap, eds. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996. [Indigenous American, Pacific Islands, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
Benedict, A Compromise of Principle: Congressional Republicans and Reconstruction. Book review in Ohio History 1976. [Civil War, political]
"Benefits for Nonhomophobic Societies: An Anthropological Perspective." In Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price, edited by Warren Blumenfeld. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992. Reprinted in Through the Prism of Difference: Readings on Sex and Gender, Maxine Baca Zinn, et. al., eds. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1997. [Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
"Berdache and Amazon Roles among American Indians." In Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vern Bullough and Bonnie Bullough, eds. New York: Garland Publishing 1994. pp.57-60. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
"“The Berdache Tradition.” In Annual Editions: Anthropology. Elvio Angeloni, ed. 27th edition. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Reprinted from The Spirit and the Flesh. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
“The Berdache Tradition,” In The Meaning of Difference: American Constructions of Race, Sex and Gender, Social Class and Sexual Orientation. Karen Rosenblum and Toni-Michelle Travis, eds. (Routledge, 2nd edition, 2000). Reprinted from The Spirit and the Flesh. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
"Black American Attitudes Toward Africa, 1877-1900." Pan African Journal v.4 (1971): 173-194. [African American, Africa]
“Black American Attitudes Toward Africa: The Missionary Movement, 1877-1900.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1974. [Africa, African American, Civil War, Spirituality]
“Black American Attitudes Toward Emigration to Africa, 1877-1900.” Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1972. [Africa, African American, Civil War]
Black Americans and the Evangelization of Africa. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. [Author, Africa, African American, Civil War, Spirituality]
1973 "Black Journalism's Opinions about Africa during the Late Nineteenth Century." Phylon v. 34 (1973): 224-235. [African American, Africa, Civil War]
“Categorizing Sex: An Interview with Walter Williams.” In The Sexuality and Society Reader. Denise Donnell, et. al., eds. New York: Allyn and Bacon, 2004. . [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Celebrating Sexual Diversity: An Interview with Walter Williams" Ecstasy v.2 n.2 (1993): 16-22. [Indigenous American, Pacific Islands, Hawai’i, Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]. [NOTE: No copy of this publication has been located. Please forward a copy if located.]
"The Celebration of Difference: The Institution of the Berdache among Native Americans." In Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students, Kevin Jennings, ed. Boston: Alyson Press, 1994. pp. 64-72. Reprinted from The Spirit and the Flesh. . [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Cherokee History: An Analysis of Recent Studies," American Indian Quarterly v.5 (1979): 347-54. [Indigenous American]
""A Confederate View of Prison Life: A Virginian in Fort Delaware, 1863." Delaware History v.18 (1979): 226-237. [Civil War, prison]
Conner, Blossom of Bone: Reclaiming the Connections Between Homoeroticism and the Sacred. Book review in Journal of Men's Studies v.3 (1994). Reprinted in ONE Letter 40 (February 1994), n.3, p.2-4. [Middle East, Europe, Africa, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, spirituality]
"A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Relationship between Male-Male Friendship and Male-Female Marriage: American Indian and Asian Examples." In Men's Friendships. Peter Nardi, ed. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1992. [Indigenous American, Asia, Indonesia, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Cultural Aspects of Doing Business in Indonesia” East AsianExecutive Reports1 v.4 n.5(1992):8-10. [Asia, Indonesia].
"Cultural Factors Affecting Business Practices in Indonesia." World In-Sight. Los Angeles: Worldport, 1998. [Asia, Indonesia].
Deloria and Lytle, American Indians, American Justice. Book review in Pacific Historical Review 1985. [Indigenous American, Legal, Political, prejudice]
D'Emilio, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States. Book review in American Historical Review 1983. [LGBTQ, political, prejudice]
"Detour Down the Trail of Tears: Southern Indians and the Land," Southern Exposure v.2 (Fall 1974): 94-98. [North America, Indigenous American, political]
Dial and Eliedas, The Only Land I know: A History of the Lumbee Indians. Book review in Ethnohistory 1975. [Indigenous American]
Duberman, About Time: Exploring the Gay Past. Book review in Journal of American History 1989. [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Political, Prejudice]
"Ethnic Relations of African Students in the United States, with Black Americans, 1870- 1900." Journal of Negro History v.65 (1980): 228-249. [Africa, North America, African American]
“The Evolution of Human Homosexual Behavior: A Commentary.” Current Anthropology, 2000. [Global, Early Humans, Sexuality, LGBTQ].
Finding Freedom: A Novel of the Civil War in the Pacific. Palm Springs CA: Global Freedom Press, 2018. [Author, Civil War, Pacific Islands, Hawai’i]
Franklin, The Changing Definition of Masculinity. Book review in Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 1985. [Gender]
"From Independence to Wardship: American Legal Conceptions of Indians" American Indian Culture and Research Journal v.7 (1984): 5-32. [North America, Indigenous American, Legal, Imperialism. Political]
"From Samurai to Capitalist: Male Love, Men's Roles, and the Rise of Homophobia in Japan." Journal of Men's Studies v.1 (1992). [Asia, Japan, Gender, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
Gay and Lesbian Rights in the United States: A Documentary History. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2003. [Author, North America, Prejudice, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"Gay Self-Respect in Indonesia: The Life History of a Chinese Man in Central Java." In Oceanic Homosexualities, Stephen O. Murray, ed. New York: Garland Press, 1992. [Asia, Indonesia, Java, China, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
"Gay Studies and Men's Studies." Journal of the National Association for Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors v.49 (summer 1986, special Men's Studies issue). [Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
"Georgia Black History, " Everybody v.12 (September-October 1970): 4-7. [North America, African American]
Gibson, The American Indian: Prehistory to the Present. Book review in American Indian Culture and Research Journal 1981. [Indigenous American]
Glenn, My Work Among the Florida Seminoles. Book review in American Indian Quarterly 1983. [Indigenous American]
Green, The Politics of Indian Removal: Creek Government and Society in Crisis. Book review in Journal of American History 1983. [Indigenous American]
Griffith, The African Dream: Martin R.Delany and the Emergence of Pan-African Thought. Book review in Journal of Ethnic Studies 1976. [North America, African American, Africa]
Growing Up Gay in the South: Race, Gender, and Journeys of the Spirit, by James Sears. Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 1991. “Introduction” by Walter L. Williams [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
"Harvey Milk: Gay Community Leadership in San Francisco." American Community Organizations. Patricia Mooney-Melvin, ed. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986. [North America, Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice, Political]
Herdt, Gay Culture in America: Essays from the Field. Book review in American Anthropologist 1993 [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
Herdt, Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia. Book review essay in Journal of Anthropological Research 1985. [Pacific Islands, Melanesia, Sexuality, LGBTQ]
Hinsch, Passions of the Cut Sleeve: A History of Homosexuality in China. Book review in Journal of Sex Research 1993. [Asia, China, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"A History of Underground Atlanta," Georgia State University Signal v.17 (April 1969): 6-7. [North America]
Homophile Studies in Theory and Practice. San Francisco: ONE Institute Press, 1994. [Author, Sexuality, LGBTQ].
"Homoseksualitas dan Tranvestisme di Antara Suku-suku Dayak Kalimantan Manang, Pria sakti Berpenampilan Wanita" [translated: Homosexuality and Transvestism in the tribal life of the Dayak of Kalimantan, Indonesia: Body of Man combined with Spirit of Woman] Pertiwi (Indonesian magazine) 1988. [Asia, Indonesia, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
"Homoseksualitas pada Masyarakat Suku-suku di Irian Jaya" [translated: Homosexuality in tribal societies of Irian Jaya, Indonesia] Pertiwi (Indonesian magazine) 1988. [Asia, Indonesia, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ].
"How the West Was Lost," Cincinnati Horizons v.5 (1976): 14-18, 38. [North America, Indigenous American]
Hudson, The Southeastern Indians. Book review in Journal of Social History 1978. [Indigenous American]
Indian Leadership. Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower University Press, 1984. Also published as a special issue on twentieth century Indians, Journal of the West v.23(n.3) [Author, North America, Indigenous American, Political].
“Indonesia.” Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. Edited by Wayne Dynes, ed. New York: Garland Press, 1990. [Asia, Indonesia, LGBTQ]
Jackson, Male Homosexuality in Thailand. Book review essay in Journal of Homosexuality. 1990 . [Asia, Thailand, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, prejudice].
Jacobs, The African Nexus: Black American Perspectives on the European Partitioning of Africa, 1880-1920. Book review in American Historical Review 1981. [Africa, African American]
Javanese Lives: Women and Men in Modern Indonesian Society. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991. [Author, Asia, Indonesia, Java, Gender].
Josephy, Now That the Buffalo's Gone: A Study of Today's American Indians.Book review in Florida Historical Quarterly 1984. . [Indigenous American, Legal, Political]
Kehidupan Orang Jawa [Biographies of people of Java]. Jakarta: Pustaka Binaman Press, 1995. [Author, Asia, Indonesia, Java]
Larsen, Gay Money. Book review in International Gay and Lesbian Review 1997. [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"Lesbians and Gay Men as Teachers of Safer Sex to Heterosexuals." Empathy v. 4 (1994). Reprinted in Bound by Diversity, James T. Sears, ed. Columbia, SC: Sebastian Press, 1994. [Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
Littlefield, Africans and Seminoles: From Removal to Emancipation. Book review in American Historical Review 1978. [Civil War, Indigenous American, African American]
Littlefield, The Cherokee Freedman: From Emancipation to American Citizenship. Book review in Journal of American History 1979 [Civil War, Indigenous American]
Lyttleton, Endangered Relations: Negotiating Sex and AIDS in Thailand. Book review in American Ethnologist 2003 [Asia, Thailand, Gender-sexuality, LGBTQ]
Mahon, Indians of the Lower South: Past and Present. Book review in American Indian Journal 1976. [Indigenous American]
”The Mayan Past and Present: Gay Life in Yucatan,” The Advocate (January 24, 1984) pp.33-35. [American Indigenous, Latin America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
"Methods by Which Humanity can Derive Benefit from Lesbians and Gay Men in the 21st Century." Empathy: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Persons Working to End Oppression v.3 (1992): 87-89. [Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
Murray, Social Theory, Homosexual Realities and Whitam, Male Homosexuality in Four Societies. Book review in Reviews in Anthropology 1991 [Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Asia, Philippines, Latin America]
Nanda, Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India. Book review in American Ethnologist 1993. [Asia, India, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
“Native American Masculinities,” and “Two Spirit People.” In Encyclopedia on Men and Masculinities. Michael Kimmel, ed. 2005. [Indigenous American, Gender, Sexuality, LGBTQ].
“Native Americans,” “Native American Studies,” and “Two Spirit Males.” In Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History in America. Marc Stein, ed. New York: Gale Publishers, 2005. [Indigenous American, Sexuality, LGBTQ].
Nichols, Lincoln and the Indians: Civil War Policy and Politics. Book review in Ohio History 1979. [Civil War, Indigenous American, Legal, political]
"Nineteenth Century Pan-Africanist: John Henry Smyth, United States Minister to Liberia, 1878-1885," Journal of Negro History v.63 (1978): 18-25. [North America, Africa, African American]
"North American Indian History." In American History: Selected Reading Lists and Course Outlines from American Colleges and Universities. Warren Susman and John Chambers, eds. New York: M. Wiener, 1983. [North America, American Indigenous, Political]
Okoye, The American Image of Africa: Myth and Reality. Book review in Journal of Social History 1972. [North America, African American, Africa]
“Origins of the Committee on Lesbian and Gay History.” Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter 14 (2000). [Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Our World Role in the 21st Century." White Crane Journal for the Exploration of Gay Spirituality v. 19 (1993). [Spirituality, Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. "Introduction" and "Multicultural Perspectives on Reducing Heterosexism." [Author, Asia, Indigenous American, Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
"Persistence and Change in the Berdache Tradition among Contemporary Lakota Indians." Journal of Homosexuality 11 (1985): 191-200. Reprinted in Anthropology and Homosexual Behavior edited by Evelyn Blackwood. New York: Haworth Press, 1986. Also reprinted in Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Male Experiences, Linda Garnets and Douglas Kimmel, eds. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Personal Questions, Scientific Answers: Being Gay and Doing Research on Homosexuality in Non-Western Cultures.” Journal of Sex Research v.30 (1993): 115-120. . [Indigenous American, Indonesia, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Philipinos and American Indians: The Common Roots of United States Colonial Subjugation," Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia. Manila: IAHA Press, 1985. [Indigenous American, Asia, Philippines, Imperialism, Legal, Political]
"The Proposed Merger of Apaches with Eastern Cherokees: Qualla in 1893," Journal of Cherokee Studies v.2 (1977): 240-245. [Indigenous American]
“Reducing Homophobia By Writing a Letter.” The Bottom Line v.19 n.14 (March 2000). Palm Springs CA: Bottom Line Press. [LGBTQ, Prejudice].
“The Relationship Between Male-Male Friendship and Male-Female Marriage: American Indian and Asian Comparisons.” In Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology. Estelle Disch, ed. (Mayfield Publishing, 2nd edition, 2000). [Indigenous American, Asia, Indonesia, Gender, Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice].
"Rethinking Choice for Men." American Behavioral Scientist v. 37 (1994). Special issue on "Rethinking Feminist Concerns" Madeline Stoner and Betty Friedan, eds. [Gender-Sexuality]
Rofes, Reviving the Tribe: Regenerating Gay Men’s Sexuality and Culture in the Ongoing Epidemic. Book review in International Gay and Lesbian Review 1998. [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
Roscoe, The Zuni Man-Woman. Book review in American Indian Culture and Research Journal 1992. [Indigenous American, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"The Sambo Deception: The Experience of John McElroy in Andersonville Prison." Phylon v.39 (1978): 261-263. [Civil War, prison]
Schor, Henry Highland Garnet: A Voice of Black Radicalism in the Nineteenth Century. Book review in. Journal of American History 1978. [African American, Civil War]
"Sex and Shamanism: The Making of A Hawaiian Mahu." The Advocate 417 (2 April 1985), pp. 48-49. [Pacific Islands, Hawai’i, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Spirituality]
"Sex, Gender, and Sexuality as Issues in American Public Life." In American History: Outstanding Course Outlines from Noted Scholars, Warren Susman and John Chambers, eds. New York: Wiener, 1990. [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice, Political]
"Sexual Variance in Asian Cultures." AmerAsia Journal v.20 (1994). [Asia, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"Sexual Variance in History." In American History: Selected Reading Lists and Course Outlines from American Colleges and Universities. Warren Susman and John Chambers, eds. New York: M. Wiener, 1983. [North America, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
Smith and Kvasnicka, Indian-White Relations: A Persistent Paradox. Book review in Journal of Southern History 1977. [Indigenous American, Legal]
"Social Acceptance of Same-Sex Relationships in Families: Models from Other Cultures." In Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Identities in Families. Anthony R. D'Augelli and Charlotte J. Patterson, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. [Indigenous American, Pacific Islands, Indonesia, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Prejudice]
Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1979. Chapters "Southeastern Indians Before Removal: Prehistory, Contact, Decline," "Patterns in the History of the Remaining Southeastern Indians,1840-1975," and "Bibliographic Essay." [Author, North America, Indigenous American].
"Southern Indians, 1700-1840," "Southern Indians since 1840,” "Native Americans of the Southeast before 1700,” "Indian-Black Relations," and "Cherokee Indians." In Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. William Ferris and Charles Wilson, eds.. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990. [North America, Indigenous American, African American].
"A Southerner in the Philippines, 1901-1903," Research Studies v.39 (1971): 156-165. [North America, Imperialism, Asia, Philippines].
“The Spirit and the Flesh: An Interview with Walter Williams.” The Bottom Line v.17 n.22 (July 1998). Palm Springs CA: Bottom Line Press. [Indigenous American, Sexuality, LGBTQ].
The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986, 2nd ed. 1992 [Author, North America, Indigenous American, Sexuality, LGBTQ].
Spirit of the Pacific. Maple Shade NJ: Lethe Press, 2013. [Author, Civil War, Pacific Islands, Hawai’i, Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ]
"Strange Customs, Familiar Lives: Homosexualities in Other Cultures." In Homosexuality: Research Findings for Public Policy, John C. Gonsiorek. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1991 [Gender-Sexuality, LGBTQ, Indigenous American]
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